Wednesday, September 8, 2010

PhD Scholarships at IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

The IT University of Copenhagen
Vacant PhD Scholarships
The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) invites applications for a number of PhD scholarships starting in February 2011. We are interested in applications that focus on one or more of the research areas below.
Efficient solutions to computationally hard problems, algorithms for searching and analyzing of large amounts of data, databases and data mining, sensor networks and data management, algorithm engineering, experimental performance studies.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Faculty of Economics Undergraduate - Exchange Program Scholarship

The Faculty of Economics (FEUB) Undergraduate – Exchange Program Scholarship University of Brawijaya – Indonesia
University of Brawijaya (UB) became a public University in 1963. Today, UB is one of the leading universities in Indonesia with more than 30,000 students in various degrees ranging from the Bachelor’s Degree Program, Master’s Degree Program, Doctoral Degree Program, and Medical Specialist Program in 10 faculties.

Swiss Government Scholarship Program 2011-2012

Pemerintah Swiss melalui Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS) menawarkan beasiswa dalam jumlah terbatas untuk negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia.

Beasiswa tersebut ditawarkan untuk mahasiswa PASCA SARJANA (POSTGRADUATE) yang ingin melakukan riset atau meraih gelar master di salah satu perguruan tinggi di Swiss.
Penerima beasiswa dapat melakukan riset atau kuliah di perguruan tinggi di Swiss yang tercantum pada halaman 3 dan 4. Program studi atau pendidikan berikut TIDAK termasuk dalam tawaran beasiswa ini:
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