Saturday, December 25, 2010

5 Things Every College Student Should Know

1. Your Advisor is an Important Resource
Your school will provide you with a catalog of courses offered, the prerequisites and requirements needed for each class and major, and requirements you must satisfy in order to graduate. If you have a question that goes beyond the catalog, or just need a little guidance, go to your advisor—they can help you with any scheduling or course selection questions you may have.

2. Campus Involvement Builds Lasting Friendships
Your social life is a huge part of the college experience. Getting involved on campus in clubs, organizations, Bible studies, or athletics will help you meet new people and develop lasting friendships. Enjoy yourself and the friends you spend your time with—even if you're not doing anything at all. College is about the people you meet, the experiences you go through, and the memories you make.

3. Your Professors are Not the Enemy 
Talk to your professors: introduce yourself, ask questions, visit during office hours, and make sure they know your name. Be sincere in showing your efforts in the classroom. Your professors will begin to see that you are trying and your efforts will pay off. As a result, they will be more willing to go out of their way to help you, and you may even be able to use them as references later on.

4. Every Campus Has Safety Hazards
Check with your local police to learn about the areas on and off campus that you should avoid. Learning the areas where the most crime takes place and what types of crime are most common in your college town can help to keep you safe. For an added safety measure, store emergency phone numbers in your cell phone and post them beside the phone in your dorm as well. Also, always be sure to carry identification on you.

5. Internships Increase Your Hiring Power
Do you have an internship? Well, plan on getting one if you don't already have one. Job recruiters love practical experience, so plan on getting some before you graduate and you should be in great shape for your first job. Internships will not only provide you with practical, real-world experience, but you may even be one step ahead of the game and land a job offer from the company you intern for you before you even graduate.


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