Saturday, May 30, 2009

7 PhD Scholarships in Sciences, Univ. of Pisa, Italy

Call for Admission of Candidates Educated Abroad to the Galileo Galilei Ph.D. School of the University of Pisa Year 2010

Art. 1 Announcement

The University of Pisa announces a competition, based on academic qualifications, for 7 grants reserved for candidates educated abroad for admission to the Galileo Galilei Ph.D. Schoolh. The 7 grants are funded:
5 grants by the Galileo Galilei Ph.D. School
1 grant by Ministry for University and Research (budget of the 2009 call) will be assigned for study and research on the subject Innovative applications in Biomedical Industry within the Ph.D. programme in Fisica Applicata (Applied physics),
1 grant by Ministry for University and Research (budget of the 2009 call) will be assigned for study and research on the subject Energy saving and small scale energy generation systems within the Ph.D. programme in Fisica (Physics). If some public or private financing becomes available, within the expiry date of the call, additional study grants may be offered.

The selection will be based on the scientific qualifications of the candidates, bearing in mind the balance between the different areas of the School.

The candidates must apply for one of the following Ph.D. programmes:

Ph.D. programme:

Informatica (Computer science)
Fisica e Fisica applicata (Physics and Applied physics)
Matematica (Mathematics)
Scienze chimiche (Chemical sciences)

An application for this competition does not prevent candidates from applying for the other competition, based on both academic qualifications and examinations, announced at with deadline for applications September 2009. The courses of each Ph.D. programme will start on January 1st, 2010.

Further info:


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