Saturday, June 6, 2009

6 PhD Studentships in Computer Science, Swansea Univ, UK

Six funded PhD Studentships in Computer Science

Six PhD studentships are available in Computer Science at Swansea University, with funding of up to 12,940 GBP stipend plus fees.UK candidates are eligible to apply for all six studentships.

Overseas and EU candidates ARE eligible for some of the studentships!

Potential candidates should preferably have a first-class Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a cognate discipline, or an equivalent qualification.

To ensure consideration for an award, please apply to the University for admission as a PhD student in Computer Science:

Deadline: 15th June 2009

Separate application for an award is NOT required. Candidates should however discuss possible topics with potential supervisors before the end of June. Queries may be addressed to Dr Arnold Beckmann

Decisions concerning awards are expected by mid-July.

Computer Science at Swansea University offers an active and stimulating research atmosphere for PhD students, with internationally- leading research groups in Theory, Graphics and HCI. For further details of our research, see:

In RAE 2008, 70% of the research submitted by the department was assessed as either world-leading or internationally excellent; only 12 Computer Science departments throughout the UK achieved a higher percentage of world-leading research. funded_PhD_ Studentships_ in_Computer_ Science/

6 PhD Studentships in Computer Science, Swansea Univ, UK

Six funded PhD Studentships in Computer Science

Six PhD studentships are available in Computer Science at Swansea University, with funding of up to 12,940 GBP stipend plus fees.UK candidates are eligible to apply for all six studentships.

Overseas and EU candidates ARE eligible for some of the studentships!

Potential candidates should preferably have a first-class Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a cognate discipline, or an equivalent qualification.

To ensure consideration for an award, please apply to the University for admission as a PhD student in Computer Science:

Deadline: 15th June 2009

Separate application for an award is NOT required. Candidates should however discuss possible topics with potential supervisors before the end of June. Queries may be addressed to Dr Arnold Beckmann

Decisions concerning awards are expected by mid-July.

Computer Science at Swansea University offers an active and stimulating research atmosphere for PhD students, with internationally- leading research groups in Theory, Graphics and HCI. For further details of our research, see:

In RAE 2008, 70% of the research submitted by the department was assessed as either world-leading or internationally excellent; only 12 Computer Science departments throughout the UK achieved a higher percentage of world-leading research. funded_PhD_ Studentships_ in_Computer_ Science/

PhD Position in Financial Econometrics, Univ. Konstanz, German

FP7 Marie-Curie Initial Training Network
Risk Management and Risk Reporting
Position: Early Stage Researcher/PhD Placement

Project Title: Realized Covariance
Project Description: This project will study estimation and modeling of financial volatilities based on high frequency data, named realized volatilities, which are more accurate measures than their low frequency counterparts. The research objectives are both technique and content driven. The research will focus on developing precise measures of highly dimensional covariance matrices in the presence of market microstructure noise and Epps effects (non-synchronicity and non-equidistance of price observations) , as well as on extending and improving the structure of the existing dynamic covariance models in order to account for specific statistical properties, such as long memory and constructing parsimonious parametrical models to capture major stylized facts of price volatility. Further, in the empirical application of the project, it will be shown that realized covariance approaches are strong competitors to standard multivariate GARCH approaches as instruments for portfolio and risk management. For this purposes, new economic and statistical criteria have be developed.

Proposed Start Date: September 2009 subject to finalization of the contract
Duration: 36 months
Financial Information: Salary plus allowances in line with Marie-Curie FP7 requirements for ESRs.
Host Institution: University of Konstanz, Germany
Academic Advisor: Professor Dr. Winfried Pohlmeier

Secondment: Manchester Business School for 4 months, Deutsche Bundesbank, Riskmetrics, Olsen Ltd.

Eligibility: Nationals or residents of Germany can not apply. At the time of appointment, applicants should have no more than 4 years experience (FTE) after graduation and should not have resided in the host country for more than 12 months in the last 3 years immediately before appointment.

To Apply: Applicants are requested to send the following documents to the Project Coordinator by July, 15th 2009:
- a curriculum vitae
-copies of academic transcripts and degree certificates
-proof of English proficiency (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency, IELTS, TOEFL)
-one-page statement of purpose about aptitude and motivation for pursuing the program
-two letters of recommendation
-GRE results

Project Coordinator:
Professor Dr. Winfried Pohlmeier
University of Konstanz
PO Box D124
78457 Konstanz
website link:
http://econometrics.wiwi.uni-konstanz. de/jobsAusschreibungMarie%20Curie.pdf

PhD Studentship-Electricity Demand Reduction and Responsive S

University of Exeter
CSM Trust funded PhD Studentship
Electricity Demand Reduction and Responsive Strategies for Mining Operations

Applications are invited for a three year PhD studentship based within the Camborne School of Mines (CSM), at the University of Exeter's Cornwall Campus near Falmouth, researching the theme of € ¢â’ ’¸Electricity Demand Reduction and Responsive Strategies for Mining Operations'. This project will contribute to CSM's continuing expansion of research interests in mining and energy. The studentship is being funded by the CSM Trust and will be supervised by Dr Gareth Kennedy and Dr Patrick Foster.
Main objectives of the project:
The electricity demand of mining operations has become an increasingly important factor during the last few decades, particularly with rising energy costs and the limited availability of energy resource. As mining operations continue to grow larger in size, and with the price of electricity set to increase significantly in the near future, a comprehensive strategy to account for these changes will be necessary. The project will concentrate predominantly on developing novel demand reduction and management strategies capable of reducing the electricity demand specifically when the mine is operating under peak conditions. The scheme will forecast the electrical efficiency of a mine several hours and days in advanced, providing the mining operator a real time and pro-active tool for advisory decision support.
The aims and objectives of the project are to: -

study the load demand profile in the mining sector to characterise the overall effects of load-shifting and reduction technique;
develop demand reduction and management strategies that can be deployed in an underground mine without affecting the safe operation of the mines;
develop a prototype smart technology and instrumentation system that will enable such strategies to be implemented;
evaluate carbon footprint reduction as the result of implementing a demand reduction/managemen t system in the mining sector.
Main duties and responsibilities:
The successful applicant will make original contributions to this research through the development of novel control and responsive strategies for reducing electricity costs in mining operations. He/she will be expected to study mine power systems (if there is no prior knowledge) and operations in order to develop this intelligent responsive scheme. The student will be required to participate in the PhD training and development programme offered by the University.
The successful student will also have the opportunity to work closely with the mining industry. This will include on-site visits to underground mines (potentially both in and outside of the UK), obtaining data, and collaborating with major mining companies. In addition to the project work, the student will be expected to attend and present at international conference(s) and publish their work.
Relevant Experience/Qualific ations/Skills:

Experience in numerical and computational methods.
A minimum of an Upper Second Class (2.1) degree in electrical and electronic engineering, mining engineering or related disciplines
Competent use of email and word processing;
Possess good verbal and written communication skills, including the ability to produce high quality written technical reports.

Evidence of experience in modelling and forecasting electricity demand would be an advantage.
Experience in smart technology and instrumentation system design.
An MSc in electrical, electronic, or mining engineering or a related discipline would be an advantage.
Strong analytical and problem solving skills, including a good knowledge in electrical and electronic engineering. Good understanding about mining operations will be an advantage.
Familiar with LABView, MATLAB or power system simulation packages such as IPSA, PowerFactory/ DigSILENT, PSS/E and PSCAD/EMTDC.
The studentship is for three years and available from 1 October 2009. It includes a maintenance grant of € ¢Â£13290 per annum with all fees paid for Home/EU students.
Applicants should send a covering letter and a detailed CV, together with names and addresses of two referees to Laura Taylor, sogaer-schooloffice Closing date: 30th June 2009
Informal Enquiries: Before submitting an application you may wish to discuss the post further by contacting Dr Gareth Kennedy (Tel: 01326 371876, email: or Dr Patrick Foster (Tel: 01326 371828, email:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Language, Interaction and Computation: PhD Student, Universit

Institution/ Organization: University of Trento
Department: CIMeC - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences
Web Address:

Level: PhD

Duties: Research

Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; Computational
Linguistics; Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics


13 PhD Positions, 11 with Fellowship, available now, CIMeC - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento (Italy)

The CIMeC-Center for Mind/Brain Sciences at the University of Trento is accepting applications for a 3-year PhD Program in Cognitive and Brain Sciences. The program seeks to provide students with high level skills in basic and applied research in cognitive neuroscience, and will encourage them to pursue innovative research projects that require expertise in multiple areas. The program has two main areas within which research can be conducted using behavioural, neuroimaging and computational methods:
  1. Cognitive Neuroscience
  2. Language, Interaction & Computation.
The deadline for the application is July 10th, 2009 and courses officially commence November 1st, 2009. All courses will be given in English and are taught by a multi-disciplinary faculty with state-of-the- art facilities. 11 fellowships are available in the amount of £13,638 which will be awarded to candidates based upon application and experience.

Info: For more information about the School please visit:

To download the official applications please visit:

For more information, contact Leah Mercanti (see full contact information below).

Application Deadline: 10-Jul-2009

Web Address for Applications:

Contact Information:
Leah Mercanti
Università degli Studi di Trento
Center for Mind/Brain Sciences
Palazzo Fedrigotti, Corso Bettini 31
38068, Rovereto (TN) - ITALY
Tel +39 0464 808617
Fax +39 0464 808690
Email phd.cimec@unitn. it

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Anthropological Linguistics: PhD Student, James Cook Universi

Institution/ Organization: James Cook University
Department: The Cairns Institute, FASS
Web Address: http://www.jcu.

Level: PhD

Duties: Research

Specialty Areas: Anthropological Linguistics
Language analysis


Applications are invited, from suitably qualified students, to enter the PhD program of the Language and Culture Research Group within the Cairns Institute of James Cook University Australia. Supervision will be provided by Professors Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and R. M. W. Dixon.

Our PhD candidates undertake extensive fieldwork on a previously undescribed (or scarcely described) language and write a comprehensive grammar of it for their dissertation. They are expected to work on a language which is still actively spoken, and to establish a field situation within a community in which it is the first language. Their first fieldtrip lasts for about nine months.
After completing a first draft of the grammar, back in Cairns, they undertake a second fieldtrip of two to three months. Fieldwork methodology centres on the collection, transcription and analysis of texts, together with participant observation, and judicious grammatical elicitation in the language under description (not through the lingua franca of the country). Our main priority
areas are the languages of tropical Amazonia and the Papuan and Austronesian languages of New Guinea. However, we do not exclude applicants who have an established interest in languages from other areas.

PhDs in Australian universities generally involve no coursework, just a substantial dissertation. Candidates must thus have had a thorough coursework training before embarking on this PhD program. This should have included courses on morphology, syntax, semantics, and phonology/phonetics , taught from a non-formalist perspective. We place emphasis on work that has a sound empirical basis but also shows a firm theoretical orientation (in terms of general
typological theory, known as basic linguistic theory).

The Cairns Institute is a world centre for advanced study relating to the tropics. Professor Alexandra (Sasha) Aikhenvald is Research Leader for People and Societies of the Tropics. Together with Professor R. M. W. Dixon, she heads the Language and Culture Research Group (LCRG), which includes Research Fellows and a growing number of doctoral students. Senior scholars from across the world opt to spend their sabbatical in the Cairns Institute.

The LCRG has strong links with anthropologists and archaeologists, with scholars working on environmental issues, and with the School of Indigenous Australian Studies, all within James Cook University.

The scholarship will be at the standard James Cook University rate, Australian $20,427 pa. Students coming from overseas are liable for a tuition fee; but this may be waived in the case of a student of high merit. A small relocation allowance may be provided on taking up the scholarship. In addition, an appropriate allowance will be made to cover fieldwork expenses. The scholarship
is for three years (with the possibility of a six month extension). The deadline for application by international students (starting in 2010) is 31 August 2009; the deadline for students with Australian and New Zealand passports is 31 October 2009. The academic year in Australia commences about 1st March. Successful applicants would take up their PhD scholarships between January and June 2010.

The application procedures for international students can be found at: http://www.jcu. ve/studyoptions/ postgraduate/ JCUDEV_002585. html .
The 2010 Scholarship application form for international students can be found at: http://www.jcu. scholarships/ index.htm

Prospective applicants are invited, in the first place, to get in touch with Professor Aikhenvald at sasha.aikhenvald@, providing details of their background, qualifications and interests (including a curriculum vitae).

Application Deadline: 31-Aug-2009

Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Prof Alexandra Aikhenvald
The Cairns Institute, JCU
MacGregor Road
Cairns Queensland 4878

Web Address for Applications: http://www.jcu. ve/studyoptions/ postgraduate/ JCUDEV_002585. html

Contact Information:
Prof Alexandra Aikhenvald
Phone:61(0)74042111 7

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

General Linguistics: PhD Student, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universi

Institution/ Organization: Ludwig-Maximilians- Universitä t München
Department: Zentrum für Sprach- und Literaturwissenscha ft
Web Address:

Level: PhD

Duties: Research

Specialty Areas: General Linguistics


The Munich Center for Language and Literature ('Zentrum für Sprach- und Literaturwissenscha ft', Ludwig-Maximilians- Universitä t) is offering up to 3 doctoral student positions (TV-L E13, 50%, 2,5 years with evaluation after the first year; start of employment October 2009) to work on research projects related to one of the Center's linguistic focuses: 'Variation - Kontakt - Wandel' (Linguistics) or 'Figuren von Textualität' (Linguistics and Literature).
Further information regarding the research done at the Center is available at the website listed below.

The doctoral students participate in the International Doctoral Programme in Linguistics 'Language Theory and Applied Linguistics' . Further information regarding the Doctoral Programme is available at

Application requirements are a university degree graded above average (Magister Artium, diploma, state board examination, Master of Arts ('with thesis'), Maîtrise, Laurea, etc.) in a linguistic subject, very good knowledge of German, working knowledge of English and one other language.

Application Deadline: 15-Jun-2009

Web Address for Applications:

Contact Information:
Dr. Caroline Trautmann
Phone:0049-89- 2180 3846
Fax:0049-89- 2180 13990

Various Langs & Frequency Effects in Language: PhD Student, U

Institution/ Organization: University of Freiburg
Department: Research training group GRK DFG 1624/1
Web Address: http://www.hpsl. uni-freiburg. de/grk-frequenz

Level: PhD

Duties: Research

Specialty Areas: General Linguistics Frequency

New English
Slavic Subgroup


The University of Freiburg, one of Germany's nine Universities of Excellence, invites applications for 10 fully-funded Ph.D. scholarships in linguistics, beginning no earlier than October 1, 2009, and no later than March 1, 2010. Successful applicants will be members of the Research Training Group on "Frequency effects in language" (Graduiertenkolleg GRK 1624/1) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Frequency is assumed to be a possible determinant in usage-based models of language change, language acquisition and language processing. In the Ph.D. projects this determinant will be investigated with a view both to its explanatory potential and its limitations. The envisaged research integrates descriptive- linguistic and cognitivist- psycholinguistic approaches and is
empirically based on corpora for standard and non-standard varieties of European languages.

We offer a high-profile research environment, an interdisciplinary teaching programme, a full grant of 13,200 € per annum for a period of up to 3 years, and additional grants covering travel and research expenses.

For more information on the Research Training Group, envisaged Ph.D. projects, and application details, please visit our website:

Please see job contact information below.
Application Deadline: 22-Jun-2009
Web Address for Applications:

Contact Information:
Oliver Ehmer
grk-frequenz@ hpsl.uni- freiburg. de

Research Fellow in IT, Univ of Stavanger, Norway

Research Fellow in Information Technology
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April 20th, 2009

The University of Stavanger invites applications for a three-year (ev four-year) doctorate scholarship in Information Technology at the Faculty of Science and Technology in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, beginning August 1, 2009.

There are three positions available, and each position should be tied to one of the following projects:

1) Identification of perfect adaptation sites in biochemical reaction kinetic networks from a control theoretic point of view. The applicant should have a masters degree in cybernetics. Contact: Associate professor Tormod Drengstig, tlf 51832025, mobile +4793885533, e-mail:

2) Model based software development. Model integration. The applicant should have a masters degree in computer science. Contact: Associate professor Kåre Auglænd, tlf 51832020, e-mail: kare.auglaend@

3) Measuring stress under simulation. The applicant should have a masters degree in signal processing. Contact: Associate professor Arne Rettedal, tlf 51832041, e-mail:

4) Developing signal processing methods to identify gene regulatory networks from microarray time series. The applicant should have a masters degree in signal processing. Contact: Professor Sven Ole Aase, tlf 51832009, e-mail:

5) Agents & data fusion algorithms for improved analysis of real-time drilling data. The applicant should have a masters degree in computer science. Contact: Professor Chunming Rong, tlf 51832013, e-mail:

6) Using automated concepts for improving software quality. The applicant should have a masters degree in computer science. Contact: Professor Chunming Rong, tlf 51832013, e-mail:

7) Dependability Mechanisms for Scalable Wide-Area Data Dissemination in Pub/Sub Systems. The applicant should have a masters degree in computer science. Contact: Associate professor Hein Meling, tlf 51832080, e-mail:

8) Using Workflow Management Systems for Eliminating Redundancy in Virtual Enterprising. The applicant should have a masters degree in computer science, applied mathematics, industrial engineering, or in control systems. Contact: Associate professor Reggie Davidrajuh, tlf 51831051, e-mail:

9) Signal analysis of physiological data from treatment of cardiac arrest patients. The applicant should have a masters degree in signal processing. Contact: Professor Trygve Eftestøl, tlf 51832035, e-mail:

10) Semantic technology for management of data recorded during therapy of cardiac arrest patients. The applicant should have a masters degree in signal processing. Contact: Professor Trygve Eftestøl, tlf 51832035, e-mail:

11) Image processing for analysis of magnetic resonance images of cardiac infarction. The applicant should have a masters degree in signal processing. Contact: Professor Kjersti Engan, tlf 51832008, e-mail:

12) Image processing on magnetic resonance images of cardiac infarction for 2D and 3D segmentation of the myocardium and the damaged tissue. The applicant should have a masters degree in signal processing. Contact: Professor Kjersti Engan, tlf 51832008, e-mail:

13) Signal analysis of intracardial electrograms from patients with cardiac infarction. The applicant should have a masters degree in signal processing. Contact: Professor Kjersti Engan, tlf 51832008, e-mail:

The position is funded by Ministry of Education and Research.

The applicant should give a list of up to three projects in order of interest. It is necessary to have obtained an average grade of B or better in order to qualify. The appointee must be able to work independently and as a member of a team, be creative and innovative. The research fellow must
have a good command of both oral and written English.

The research fellow will be admitted to the doctoral program at the University of Stavanger on an agreement to complete the doctorate within the duration of the scholarship.

The program will mainly be carried out at the University of Stavanger, apart from a period of study abroad at a recognized and relevant center of research.

The research fellow is salaried according to the State Salary Code, 17.515, code 1017, LR 20, ltr 45, of NOK 353.200,- per annum.

The position provides for automatic membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, which guarantees favorable retirement benefits. Members may also apply for home investment loans at favorable interest rates.

The University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in its employment practices. The University currently employs few female research fellows within this academic field and women are therefore particularly encouraged to apply.

The application must contain the following documents and material and be submitted in three complete verified copies:

CV the form "Utvidet søkerskjema<http://www.uis. no/getfile. php/Ledige% 20stillinger% 20-%20utvidet% 20s%C3%B8knadssk jema/Utvidet_ soekerskje_ eng5.rtf>"
(Information to be made available to the applicants)
certificates/ diplomas
list of publications
up to 15 publications
any other documentation that the applicant considers relevant

and be addressed to:
University of Stavanger
Faculty of Science and Technology.
4036 Stavanger

The application should be marked 30029796

Vennlig hilsen / Kind regards
Nugroho Adi Sasongko
mobile : +47 9949 5379
Sent from Stavanger, 11, Norway

Monday, June 1, 2009

Gascon & Phonology, Morphology and Syntax: Open Student, SUNY

Institution/ Organization: SUNY, Stony Brook
Department: Hispanic Languages
Web Address:

Level: Open

Duties: Project Work

Specialty Areas: Morphology; Phonology; Syntax

Required Language(s): Gascon (gsc)


As part of a USA National Science Foundation project on clitics, we are looking for linguistics students interested in doing field work in Gascony (France) this summer to conduct linguistic field work on clitics with native speakers of Gascon.

Qualifications: must know French, with Knowledge of Gascon preferred . We will pay expenses of trip around the area plus honorarium to be determined by experience and time spent.

Please contact via e-mail (see contact information below).

Application Deadline: 10-Jun-2009

Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Francisco Ordonez
Department of Hispanic Languages
Stony Brook NY 11794

Contact Information:
Francisco Ordonez
fordonez@notes. cc.sunysb. edu

Research Fellow in Risk Management/Societal Safety, Stavanger

Research Fellow in Risk Management/Societal Safety
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Closing date for applications is June 22, 2009

The University of Stavanger invites applications for two three-year doctorate scholarships in risk management/societal safety at the Faculty of Science and Technology in the Department of Industrial Economics, Risk Management and Planning.

The scholarships cover the following areas:
  1. Enterprise risk management
  2. Foundational issues in risk assessment and risk management (uncertainty, ALARP, cost-benefit analysis, precautionary principle etc.)
  3. RAMS-analysis (RAMS: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety)
  4. Risk analysis methods
  5. Risk regulation
  6. Societal safety/security and emergency preparedness
  7. Technical safety
Applications must indicate preferred areas of research.

Applicants must have earned a master's degree or possess corresponding qualifications which could provide a basis for successfully completing the doctorate. The master's degree curriculum should have components in risk and/or safety. Also candidates that not yet have finished their master thesis can apply. It is necessary to have obtained an average grade of B or better in order to qualify. In evaluating candidates the University will pay particular attention to results from the master program and the fellows' potential as researchers demonstrated through their master theses and/or publications.

The appointee must be able to work independently and as a member of a team, be creative and innovative. The research fellow must have a good command of both oral and written English.

The research fellow will be admitted to the doctoral program at the University of Stavanger on an agreement to complete the doctorate within the duration of the scholarship.

The program will mainly be carried out at the University of Stavanger, apart from a period of study abroad at a recognized and relevant center of research.

The research fellow is salaried according to the State Salary Code, 17.515, code 1017, LR 20, ltr 45, of NOK 353.200 per annum.

The position provides for automatic membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, which guarantees favorable retirement benefits. Members may also apply for home investment loans at favorable interest rates.

Further information about the position can be obtained from Professor Terje Aven, telephone +47 51 83 22 67, e-mail

The University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in its employment practices. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

The application must contain the following documents and material and be submitted in tree copies: CV, the form "Utvidet søkerskjema<http://www.uis. no/getfile. php/Ledige% 20stillinger% 20-%20utvidet% 20s%C3%B8knadssk jema/Utvidet_ soekerskje_ eng5.rtf>"
(Information to be made available to the applicants), certificates/ diplomas, references, list of publications, up to 15 publications, any other documentation that the applicant considers relevant

and be addressed to:

University of Stavanger
Faculty of Science and Technology
Attn Hallgeir Hognestad
N-4036 Stavanger
The application should be marked 30030246/30030247.
Closing date for applications is June 22, 2009.

Vennlig hilsen / Kind regards
Nugroho Adi Sasongko
------------ --------- --------- ---
mobile : +47 9949 5379
Sent from Stavanger, 11, Norway

Research fellow in Petroleum Eng, Univ of Stavanger, Norway

Closing date July 31, 2009.

The University of Stavanger invites applications for a three-year doctorate scholarship in petroleum engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology in the Department of Petroleum Engineering.

The title of the project is “*Frontier petroleum geology exploration*” .

*Accretionary prisms are large wedges of sedimentary rocks that have been scrapped off the top of the descending oceanic plate along convergent plate margins. These sedimentary wedges have complex tectonic and infill history and are not well understood because they are located mostly under water with little subaerial exposure. Most geological data is limited to marine seismic. Few commercial hydrocarbons are produced from these tectonic settings, even though they are located in the proximity of large giant oil and gas fields. Therefore these regions are underexplored for hydrocarbons and may hold large quantities of reserves. The aim of the PhD research project is, by compiling and analyzing surface and subsurface data along accretionary prisms worldwide (e.g. Barbados, northern Australian shelf, Offshore Colombia, among others), to understand the different geologic processes that control their petroleum systems. Some specific geologic problems include: interaction between tectonics and sedimentation, source and reservoir rock distribution, preservation potential of hydrocarbon traps, etc. The project will develop from interpretation into classification schemes dependant on geologic processes that will have an impact on the understanding of the petroleum system and their economic importance for hydrocarbon exploration and production. *

Applicants must have a Master degree in a geosciences related field related to petroleum. Previous experience in seismic and well interpretation using computer software, structural restorations, stratigraphy, and plate tectonics is desirable, but not necessary.

Applicants must have earned a Master of Science/-Technology degree. It is necessary to have obtained an average grade of B or better in order to qualify. The appointee must be able to work independently and as a member of a team, be creative and innovative. The research fellow must have a good command of both oral and written English.

The selected candidate will be admitted to the PhD program at the University of Stavanger with an agreement to complete the PhD within the duration of the scholarship.

The program will mainly be carried out at the University of Stavanger, apart from a period of study abroad at a recognized and relevant centre of research.

The research fellow is salaried according to the State Salary Code, 17.515, code 1017, LR 20, ltr 45, of NOK 353 200 per annum.

The position provides for automatic membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, which guarantees favourable retirement benefits. Members may also apply for home investment loans at favourable interest rates.

Project description and further information about the position can be obtained from associate Professor Alejandro Escalona, telephone +47 51 83 22 59, e-mail

Information about appointment procedures can be obtained from Senior Executive Officer Kathrine Molde, telephone +47 51 83 17 44, e-mail

The University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in its employment practices. The University currently employs few female research fellows within this academic field and women are therefore particularly encouraged to apply.

The application must contain the following documents and material and be submitted in three copies:
  1. A curriculum vita; including educational background and employment history
  2. The form *Utvidet søkerskjema* <http://www.uis. no/getfile. php/Ledige% 20stillinger% 20-%20utvidet% 20s%C3%B8knadssk jema/Utvidetsoke rskjema5. rtf>(Information to be made available to the applicants)
  3. Diplomas and certificates (certified by the educational institution)
  4. References
  5. List of publications
  6. Any other documentation that the applicant considers relevant
addressed to:

University of Stavanger
Faculty of Science and Technology
Institute of Petroleum Engineering
N-4036 Stavanger

Or to be sent to jobb-tn@uis. no
The application should be marked * 30029987*.**
Closing date for applications is* July 31, 2009*.**

Vennlig hilsen / Kind regards
Nugroho Adi Sasongko
mobile : +47 9949 5379
Sent from Stavanger, 11, Norway

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Italian Government Scholarships 2009/2010

For Indonesian citizens


The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is offering scholarships for the 2009/2010 academic year to Indonesian citizens.


The online application form can be downloaded here. A printed copy of the application, complete with passport size photo and bearing the date and original signature of the candidate, must be sent to the Embassy of Italy NO LATER THAN 20 June 2009.


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PHONE: (021) 392 7531/ 3927532
FAX. : (021) 310 1661à/Borse_di_studio/Per_nome_abitanti_ in_Italia/
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