Pre Selection - 2009/2010
Admission to research doctorate programs: pre-selection reserved to non italian residents who have obtained abroad the required educational qualifications - academic year 2009/2010
Pre - Selection
Annex A - List of PhD programs
Annex B - Application form
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Thesis Fellowship - Tsunami Modelling
On behalf of Prof. Oumeraci from Leichweiss-Institut e of TU Braunschweig – Germany (www.lwi.tu-, we URGENTLY need two students (preferably master levels) to work in our laboratory (LWI) for the Tapfor Project for the duration of at least 3 months (can be extended if satisfactory) . Money to stay in Germany will be available from university fellowship (flight tickets to be confirmed). The requirements are as follows:
Student can find further information about the project in our website:
or contact me personally.
We also share this information to our partner in Thailand
Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau
Beethovenstr. 51a
38106 Braunschweig - DEUTSCHLAND
Tel: +49 (0)531-391 3931, Fax: +49 (0)531-391 8217
- Outstanding students and He/She should be university registered from civil engineering, oceanography, or coastal/ocean engineering
- Willing to do thesis on the framework of Tapfor Project (*Tsunami/ Storm Waves Attenuation by Coastal Forest*)
- Knowledge on Tsunami Modelling and Physical model experiments would be advantage
- English is a must (students should make a report in english upon the completion of the work)
- Recommended by the faculty
Student can find further information about the project in our website:
or contact me personally.
We also share this information to our partner in Thailand
Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau
Beethovenstr. 51a
38106 Braunschweig - DEUTSCHLAND
Tel: +49 (0)531-391 3931, Fax: +49 (0)531-391 8217
Thesis Fellowship,
Tsunami Modelling
15 Doctoral positions at ITN LCG Project
15 Doctoral and 3 Postdoctoral positions at 10 Universities in 7 European countries
The Marie Curie Initial Training Network on Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN LCG)funded by the European Commission is filling 15 Doctoral and 3 Postdoctoral positions at 10 Universities in 7 European countries (from October 2009 on until all positions are filled). ITN LCG aims at investigating the interplay of language, cognition, and gender, for the first time from cross-language and cross-cultural perspectives.
The ITN LCG research programme is organised in four work packages (WP):
- How does language shape the cognitive representations of gender (WP A);
- How do features of European languages correspond with gender equality in European societies (WP B);
- How does language contribute to social behaviour towards the sexes (WP C);
- How can gender equality be promoted through strategies for gender-fair language use (WP D).
Young fellows' individual projects will be integrated into one comprehensive research and training network. They will be offered an innovative training in a unique combination of scientific methods that span from neuroimaging and electrophysiology over experimental techniques of cognitive and social psychology to linguistic methods of language analysis and scientific training strategies. The network is strongly based on the exchange and transfer of
knowledge between academia and public and private organisations and will provide its fellows with network-wide training activities (4 workshops, 3 summer schools, 1 scientific symposium) and training-in- collaborations (working visits and secondments) . For detailed information (e.g. about the individual research projects) please contact the project manager Dr. Rachel Jossen (rachel.jossen@ psy.unibe. ch).
The young fellows will enjoy full salary employment contracts with all social securities(assuranc es). PhD students will get a 3 years contract, Postdocs a 2 years contract. Moreover, different surcharges as, e.g., mobility allowance, travel allowance and career exploratory allowance will be paid. The contracts can start after October 1, 2009, at the earliest convenience of the chosen candidates, once the work permit has been obtained.
web site for additional job details
The candidates' dossier should be send as an electronic file to the Manager of ITN LCG, Dr. Rachel Jossen, at the University of Bern (rachel.jossen@ psy.unibe. ch). The application dossiers will be forwarded to the partner/s in charge of the respective individual research projects. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.
rachel.jossen@ psy.unibe. ch
Application Deadline
How To Apply
Required Education Level
The eligibility conditions for recruitment are the following: Candidates can be nationals of any country other than the country of the host university where they will carry out their project. Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host university for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment (transmobility requirement) . For PhD positions, students should have a diploma, which gives them the right to inscribe for PhD studies. They have to be in the first five years (or full-time equivalent) of their careers in research. For Postdoctoral positions, applicants have a PhD or at least 4 years of research experience. In all cases eligibility will be determined at the time of recruitment.
Further Requirements
We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a strong background in Social Sciences, Linguistics, Psychology, or Neuroscience, an excellent command of English and a high motivation to learn the language studied at the employing institution. We expect a strong interest for and motivation to work on the interplay of language, cognition, and gender, the willingness to invest in interdisciplinary collaboration, and the ability to work in teams.
The Marie Curie Initial Training Network on Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN LCG)funded by the European Commission is filling 15 Doctoral and 3 Postdoctoral positions at 10 Universities in 7 European countries (from October 2009 on until all positions are filled). ITN LCG aims at investigating the interplay of language, cognition, and gender, for the first time from cross-language and cross-cultural perspectives.
The ITN LCG research programme is organised in four work packages (WP):
- How does language shape the cognitive representations of gender (WP A);
- How do features of European languages correspond with gender equality in European societies (WP B);
- How does language contribute to social behaviour towards the sexes (WP C);
- How can gender equality be promoted through strategies for gender-fair language use (WP D).
Young fellows' individual projects will be integrated into one comprehensive research and training network. They will be offered an innovative training in a unique combination of scientific methods that span from neuroimaging and electrophysiology over experimental techniques of cognitive and social psychology to linguistic methods of language analysis and scientific training strategies. The network is strongly based on the exchange and transfer of
knowledge between academia and public and private organisations and will provide its fellows with network-wide training activities (4 workshops, 3 summer schools, 1 scientific symposium) and training-in- collaborations (working visits and secondments) . For detailed information (e.g. about the individual research projects) please contact the project manager Dr. Rachel Jossen (rachel.jossen@ psy.unibe. ch).
The young fellows will enjoy full salary employment contracts with all social securities(assuranc es). PhD students will get a 3 years contract, Postdocs a 2 years contract. Moreover, different surcharges as, e.g., mobility allowance, travel allowance and career exploratory allowance will be paid. The contracts can start after October 1, 2009, at the earliest convenience of the chosen candidates, once the work permit has been obtained.
web site for additional job details
The candidates' dossier should be send as an electronic file to the Manager of ITN LCG, Dr. Rachel Jossen, at the University of Bern (rachel.jossen@ psy.unibe. ch). The application dossiers will be forwarded to the partner/s in charge of the respective individual research projects. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.
rachel.jossen@ psy.unibe. ch
Application Deadline
How To Apply
Required Education Level
The eligibility conditions for recruitment are the following: Candidates can be nationals of any country other than the country of the host university where they will carry out their project. Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host university for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment (transmobility requirement) . For PhD positions, students should have a diploma, which gives them the right to inscribe for PhD studies. They have to be in the first five years (or full-time equivalent) of their careers in research. For Postdoctoral positions, applicants have a PhD or at least 4 years of research experience. In all cases eligibility will be determined at the time of recruitment.
Further Requirements
We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a strong background in Social Sciences, Linguistics, Psychology, or Neuroscience, an excellent command of English and a high motivation to learn the language studied at the employing institution. We expect a strong interest for and motivation to work on the interplay of language, cognition, and gender, the willingness to invest in interdisciplinary collaboration, and the ability to work in teams.
Open PhD positions at University of Camerino, Italy
The University of Camerino –School of Advanced Studies (from here named SAS) is opening a call for participation to doctoral courses (XXV cycle) in the areas of scientific research listed below:
1. Architecture and Design
2. Chemical, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biotechnology
3. Earth Sciences
4. Information Science and Complex Systems
5. Legal, Political and Social Sciences
6. Life Sciences
7. Physics
8. Veterinary Sciences
The course length is three years with a final thesis to be written in English. In addition to activities for the preparation of the final thesis, doctoral candidates are expected to participate in training
activities organized by the SAS. Conducting some research in public or private laboratories external to the host University is strongly encouraged. To attain the final qualification there should be at least six months residence at a non-Italian research or higher education Institution.
Scholarships will be awarded to the best doctoral candidates and maintained for three years, monitoring the results each year. The number of scholarships will be available on the web site
http://www.unicam. it/laureati/ dottorato/ index.asp
Candidates without scholarship will also be admitted by a number not exceeding that of the candidates with scholarship.
The selection is open to graduates regardless of nationality, in possession of a five year university degree or its non-Italian equivalent. In cases where the University degree of the candidate is not officially recognized as equivalent, the Council of the SAS will rule on the validity of the degree qualification obtained abroad for the sole purpose of allowing participation in the admission
The selection is also open to candidates who do not already possess the required degree, provided conferral takes place by October 31, 2009. In this case admission will be conditional, and the candidate will be required, under D.P.R. n. 445/00 art. 47, to present the degree certificate or a notarised copy before November 10, 2009.
The Admission to doctoral courses is independent from the age of the candidate. For the award of a scholarship candidates must have obtained the degree valid for admission to doctoral courses from
no more than six years on the expiring date of this call.
For application, candidates must fill out the online application form available at the website http://www.unicam. it/laureati/ dottorato/ call.asp by 21st August 2009.
Call for application:
http://web.unicam. it/laureati/ dottorato/ call.asp
http://web.unicam. it/laureati/ dottorato/ documenti/ bd_concorsoXXV_ ciclo_en. pdf
1. Architecture and Design
2. Chemical, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biotechnology
3. Earth Sciences
4. Information Science and Complex Systems
5. Legal, Political and Social Sciences
6. Life Sciences
7. Physics
8. Veterinary Sciences
The course length is three years with a final thesis to be written in English. In addition to activities for the preparation of the final thesis, doctoral candidates are expected to participate in training
activities organized by the SAS. Conducting some research in public or private laboratories external to the host University is strongly encouraged. To attain the final qualification there should be at least six months residence at a non-Italian research or higher education Institution.
Scholarships will be awarded to the best doctoral candidates and maintained for three years, monitoring the results each year. The number of scholarships will be available on the web site
http://www.unicam. it/laureati/ dottorato/ index.asp
Candidates without scholarship will also be admitted by a number not exceeding that of the candidates with scholarship.
The selection is open to graduates regardless of nationality, in possession of a five year university degree or its non-Italian equivalent. In cases where the University degree of the candidate is not officially recognized as equivalent, the Council of the SAS will rule on the validity of the degree qualification obtained abroad for the sole purpose of allowing participation in the admission
The selection is also open to candidates who do not already possess the required degree, provided conferral takes place by October 31, 2009. In this case admission will be conditional, and the candidate will be required, under D.P.R. n. 445/00 art. 47, to present the degree certificate or a notarised copy before November 10, 2009.
The Admission to doctoral courses is independent from the age of the candidate. For the award of a scholarship candidates must have obtained the degree valid for admission to doctoral courses from
no more than six years on the expiring date of this call.
For application, candidates must fill out the online application form available at the website http://www.unicam. it/laureati/ dottorato/ call.asp by 21st August 2009.
Call for application:
http://web.unicam. it/laureati/ dottorato/ call.asp
http://web.unicam. it/laureati/ dottorato/ documenti/ bd_concorsoXXV_ ciclo_en. pdf
PhD studentship,
University of Camerino
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
PhD Scholarships in Biocatalysis, Germany
Open scholarships for PhD and Postdoctoral studies The graduate school Biocatalysis in non-conventional media (BioNoCo) isoffering scholarships to perform PhD and postdoctoral studies. The graduate school,which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DeutscheForschungs gemeinschaft, DFG), is located at RWTH Aachen University withForschungszentr um Jülich and Heinrich-Heine- University Düsseldorf as associatedpartners.
The graduate school offers education and research in a stimulating environmentwithin the highly competitive area of White Biotechnology. Joint supervision in atleast two different teams, interdisciplinary research and close collaboration within theinternational community promote high level qualification and open interesting careeropportunities .
The successful applicants are expected to hold a high level Masters or Diplomadegree in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, (bio-)chemical engineering or aneighbouring area. Equal opportunity is one of our aims.
The following openscholarships are currently available:o Ab initio investigation of the thermodynamics of monophasic reactive systems(PhD)o Model-based analysis and optimization of immobilized enzyme catalysis in apacked bed reactor (PhD)o Process optimization for oxidoreductions in organic solvents (PhD)o Analysis of pressure and immobilisation influence on the enzymatic gas phasereaction (PhD)o Molecular modelling of enzymes in non-conventional media and prediction ofamino acid substitutions for activity improvement (PostDoc).You will find more detailed information on our homepage, or http://www.bionoco.rwth- For instructions regarding the applicationprocedur e, please see the reverse side.
Instructions for applicationApplicat ions for scholarships should address one of the announced projects via thecorresponding e-mail address given below. All documents should be in English.Obligatory for application are:o Covering letter explaining in detail your interest in the chosen project and theoutcome expected from participation in the graduate school.o Curriculum vitae, including a photograph and specially answering thequestions: o Where and when did you perform a scientific presentation, e.g. a posteror talk?o Are you the author of a scientific publication? Describe your part inwriting and add a copy of the publication( s).o Did you ever participate in organising an event, e.g. a workshop,seminar, excursion or web presence?o Do you/ did you fulfil an official position at work, during studies or inyour free time? Explain your duties and responsibilities. o Do you have international experiences apart from holiday trips?o School and university certificates revealing marks for particular courses.
Forreports from foreign universities, an official, national ranking of the attendeduniversitie s will be most welcome. Candidates with a degree from a Germanuniversity, please note that in general only an average result of "very good"will be acceptable.o Short abstract (one page at maximum) of your diploma or master thesis.A complete set of the required documents should be sent to the following e-mail address: bionoco.admin@avt.rwth- We are looking forward to receiving your applications!
The graduate school offers education and research in a stimulating environmentwithin the highly competitive area of White Biotechnology. Joint supervision in atleast two different teams, interdisciplinary research and close collaboration within theinternational community promote high level qualification and open interesting careeropportunities .
The successful applicants are expected to hold a high level Masters or Diplomadegree in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, (bio-)chemical engineering or aneighbouring area. Equal opportunity is one of our aims.
The following openscholarships are currently available:o Ab initio investigation of the thermodynamics of monophasic reactive systems(PhD)o Model-based analysis and optimization of immobilized enzyme catalysis in apacked bed reactor (PhD)o Process optimization for oxidoreductions in organic solvents (PhD)o Analysis of pressure and immobilisation influence on the enzymatic gas phasereaction (PhD)o Molecular modelling of enzymes in non-conventional media and prediction ofamino acid substitutions for activity improvement (PostDoc).You will find more detailed information on our homepage, or http://www.bionoco.rwth- For instructions regarding the applicationprocedur e, please see the reverse side.
Instructions for applicationApplicat ions for scholarships should address one of the announced projects via thecorresponding e-mail address given below. All documents should be in English.Obligatory for application are:o Covering letter explaining in detail your interest in the chosen project and theoutcome expected from participation in the graduate school.o Curriculum vitae, including a photograph and specially answering thequestions: o Where and when did you perform a scientific presentation, e.g. a posteror talk?o Are you the author of a scientific publication? Describe your part inwriting and add a copy of the publication( s).o Did you ever participate in organising an event, e.g. a workshop,seminar, excursion or web presence?o Do you/ did you fulfil an official position at work, during studies or inyour free time? Explain your duties and responsibilities. o Do you have international experiences apart from holiday trips?o School and university certificates revealing marks for particular courses.
Forreports from foreign universities, an official, national ranking of the attendeduniversitie s will be most welcome. Candidates with a degree from a Germanuniversity, please note that in general only an average result of "very good"will be acceptable.o Short abstract (one page at maximum) of your diploma or master thesis.A complete set of the required documents should be sent to the following e-mail address: bionoco.admin@avt.rwth- We are looking forward to receiving your applications!
PhD studentship
Monday, July 13, 2009
Thesis Fellowship - Tsunami Modelling
On behalf of Prof. Oumeraci from Leichweiss-Institut e of TU Braunschweig – Germany (www.lwi.tu-, we URGENTLY need two students (preferably master levels) to work in our laboratory (LWI) for the Tapfor Project for the duration of at least 3 months (can be extended if satisfactory) . Money to stay in Germany will be available from university fellowship (flight tickets to be confirmed). The requirements are as follows:
Student can find further information about the project in our website:
or contact me personally.
We also share this information to our partner in Thailand
Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau
Beethovenstr. 51a
38106 Braunschweig - DEUTSCHLAND
Tel: +49 (0)531-391 3931, Fax: +49 (0)531-391 8217
- Outstanding students and He/She should be university registered from civil engineering, oceanography, or coastal/ocean engineering
- Willing to do thesis on the framework of Tapfor Project (*Tsunami/ Storm Waves Attenuation by Coastal Forest*)
- Knowledge on Tsunami Modelling and Physical model experiments would be advantage
- English is a must (students should make a report in english upon the completion of the work)
- Recommended by the faculty
Student can find further information about the project in our website:
or contact me personally.
We also share this information to our partner in Thailand
Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau
Beethovenstr. 51a
38106 Braunschweig - DEUTSCHLAND
Tel: +49 (0)531-391 3931, Fax: +49 (0)531-391 8217
Thesis Fellowship,
Tsunami Modelling
PhD research assistanships - Arizona State University
PhD research assistantship positions in coupled human-natural systems modeling at Arizona State University (ASU). The position is available starting fall 2009 to assist in the development of dynamic, coupled models of recreational fishing behavior and fish populations. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to be involved with and learn cutting edge statistical, simulation, and optimization techniques as they relate to natural resource economics and fishery management.
Candidate should have interests in economics, natural resource management, and/or fish (or wildlife) population dynamics. The candidate is expected to develop strong quantitative skills. Prior master's experience or experience with models and quantitative methods preferred.
The candidate is expected to pursue one of the following ASU degrees: sustainability, environmental life sciences, biology, biology and society
( php),
or applied math for life and social sciences (http://shesc. 508).
Compensation includes tuition waiver, stipend, and benefits. Other assistantship positions are also available. Contact Eli Fenichel or Josh Abbott for more information and instructions on applying.
Candidate should have interests in economics, natural resource management, and/or fish (or wildlife) population dynamics. The candidate is expected to develop strong quantitative skills. Prior master's experience or experience with models and quantitative methods preferred.
The candidate is expected to pursue one of the following ASU degrees: sustainability, environmental life sciences, biology, biology and society
( php),
or applied math for life and social sciences (http://shesc. 508).
Compensation includes tuition waiver, stipend, and benefits. Other assistantship positions are also available. Contact Eli Fenichel or Josh Abbott for more information and instructions on applying.
Arizona State University
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Tsunami Modelling
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