Thursday, December 17, 2009

MIMS Ph.D. Program - Study of Mathematical Sciences

Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences Ph.D. Program
A selected project for Global COE (Centers of Excellence) Program :
Formation and Development of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and

Overview of MIMS Ph. D. Program
http://www.mims. jp/education/ phd-e.html
The key educational component of the Global COE Program for the `Formation and Development of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis' is the Ph.D. program provided by MIMS, an
affiliated research institute of the Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property, Meiji University.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Non Degree Monbukagakusho Scholarship

Non Degree Monbukagakusho Scholarship in Japanese Studies Program

Application deadline: January 29, 2010.

Japanese Studies Program is one of the Japanese Government scholarship programs (Monbukagakusho) specifically designed for japanese studies students to enhanced Japanese language skills and deepen understanding of Japanese culture. This program is a non-degree programs and the length is 1 year from October 2010.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

15 PhD Scholarships in Humanities at Univ of Copenhagen, Denmark

15 PhD Scholarships at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for 15 PhD scholarships all starting 1 September 2010 for a period of up to three years.

Applications must relate to one of the nine research topics mentioned below.

1) Pedagogical and/or Technical Audiology (Subject area 1: Scandinavian Studies, Linguistics)

2) Media, Citizenship and Rhetoric (Subject area 2: Education, Philosophy, Rhetoric, Film and Media Studies)

3) Power, Knowledge and Politics in Europe and the European Cultural Area (Subject area 3: History, Archaeology, Ethnology, Greek and Latin)

4) Cultural Memory and the Construction of Individual Identities in the Modern World (Subject area 4: Middle Eastern Studies, Asian Studies, Arctic Studies, Study of Religions, Native American Languages and Cultures, Eastern European Studies, Minority Studies, Comparative Cultural Studies)

5) Transnational and Migration Studies (Subject area 5: English, German and Romance Studies)

6) Cultural Memory: Aesthetics and Functions (Subject area 6: Art History, Theatre Studies, Dance Studies, Comparative Literature, Musicology)

7) Primary Sources for the Study of the Scandinavian Languages (Subject area 7: Old Norse-Icelandic, Dialect Studies, Name Studies, Runology)

8) Language Technology (Subject area 8: Language Technology)

9) The Human Factor in Climate Change (Subject area defined by topic)

Applications shall be submitted by an electronic application system (efond). Do not submit any publications. Application form and application guidelines on research proposal and required enclosures are available at: http://www.humaniti research/ PhD/Announcement s/
For any further questions contact the PhD Centre by e-mail: phdcen-ter@hum.
or by phone +45 35 32 92 23 .

Closing date for applications: 4 February 2010 at 12 noon (Central European time). No supplementary documents will be considered after this deadline.


http://www.humaniti research/ PhD/Announcement s/2010
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