Tuesday, July 14, 2009

PhD Scholarships in Biocatalysis, Germany

Open scholarships for PhD and Postdoctoral studies The graduate school Biocatalysis in non-conventional media (BioNoCo) isoffering scholarships to perform PhD and postdoctoral studies. The graduate school,which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DeutscheForschungs gemeinschaft, DFG), is located at RWTH Aachen University withForschungszentr um Jülich and Heinrich-Heine- University Düsseldorf as associatedpartners.

The graduate school offers education and research in a stimulating environmentwithin the highly competitive area of White Biotechnology. Joint supervision in atleast two different teams, interdisciplinary research and close collaboration within theinternational community promote high level qualification and open interesting careeropportunities .

The successful applicants are expected to hold a high level Masters or Diplomadegree in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, (bio-)chemical engineering or aneighbouring area. Equal opportunity is one of our aims.

The following openscholarships are currently available:o Ab initio investigation of the thermodynamics of monophasic reactive systems(PhD)o Model-based analysis and optimization of immobilized enzyme catalysis in apacked bed reactor (PhD)o Process optimization for oxidoreductions in organic solvents (PhD)o Analysis of pressure and immobilisation influence on the enzymatic gas phasereaction (PhD)o Molecular modelling of enzymes in non-conventional media and prediction ofamino acid substitutions for activity improvement (PostDoc).You will find more detailed information on our homepage, http://www.bionoco.org or http://www.bionoco.rwth- aachen.de. For instructions regarding the applicationprocedur e, please see the reverse side.

Instructions for applicationApplicat ions for scholarships should address one of the announced projects via thecorresponding e-mail address given below. All documents should be in English.Obligatory for application are:o Covering letter explaining in detail your interest in the chosen project and theoutcome expected from participation in the graduate school.o Curriculum vitae, including a photograph and specially answering thequestions: o Where and when did you perform a scientific presentation, e.g. a posteror talk?o Are you the author of a scientific publication? Describe your part inwriting and add a copy of the publication( s).o Did you ever participate in organising an event, e.g. a workshop,seminar, excursion or web presence?o Do you/ did you fulfil an official position at work, during studies or inyour free time? Explain your duties and responsibilities. o Do you have international experiences apart from holiday trips?o School and university certificates revealing marks for particular courses.

Forreports from foreign universities, an official, national ranking of the attendeduniversitie s will be most welcome. Candidates with a degree from a Germanuniversity, please note that in general only an average result of "very good"will be acceptable.o Short abstract (one page at maximum) of your diploma or master thesis.A complete set of the required documents should be sent to the following e-mail address: bionoco.admin@avt.rwth- aachen.de We are looking forward to receiving your applications!


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