- Embedded Systems, with emphasis on real-time systems and resource management.
- Telecommunications, especially referring to networks and photonic technologies.
- Biorobotics, including micro-engineering, biomedical engineering, biomimetic robotics, rehabilitation technologies and computer assisted surgery.
- Perceptual Robotics, with emphasis on telerobotics, cognitive robotics and virtual environments.
- Applicants must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree or equivalent title;
- they should not be older than 35 years on June 18, 2008; older than 35 may be exceptionally admitted by the Examination Committee;
- the candidates whose native language is not English should hold an internationally acknowledged certificate specifying their intermediate- level of English knowledge.
- 4 positions with 4 fellowships (amounting to € 14.500 per year + free meals at school's canteen + Campus facilities): 1 position for each curriculum
- Candidates are requested to apply online at: www.sssup.it/ phdapplicationon line by June 11, 2009, 12.00 pm GMT. In case of problems with the online application, please contact the PhD Administration Office (tel. +39 050 88.33.36-88. 33.83), e-mail: techschool@sssup. it).
- An hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate), together with the enclosures requested, must reach (regardless of forwarding date) by June 18, 2009:
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
56127 PISA, Italy
"Application PhD in Innovative Technologies" must be written on the envelopment.
Application and attachments:
Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:
- a copy of their passport;
- two copies of their Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum. Please, use the EU model
- photocopy of Candidate's University Master Degree (to be translated in Italian or in English except those written in French, German, Spanish);
- detailed list of academic courses taken. This list should contain information regarding credits, units (or equivalent) received, the grades received for each class taken, and the date when the final (or semester) examination was taken;
- a copy of their degree thesis (or two abstracts in English) and a copy of any other publication that they deem suitable;
- the certificates of knowledge of the English language;
- g) two copies of a detailed Research Project, of no more than 3,000 words, which will describe the research activities that applicants would like to perform during the PhD course. The Research Project will include:- a title;- the scientific premises and the relevant bibliography;- the aim and expectations of the research;- the experimental methods and data analysis methods which will be used, where required;
- at least two Reference Letters written by Faculty Members who have supervised the applicant's work during his/her university studies;
- a numbered list of documents attached
- Assessment of the Titles: assessment of all the submitted documents and publications, including the CV, and the Research Project.
tel. +39 050 88.33.36, +39 050 88.33.83
Attached documents:
Call for applications- Non EU Citizens (file pdf, 60 Kb)
CV European template (file doc, 113 Kb)
Call for application A.Y. 2009-10 - Non EU citizens
http://www.sssup. it/context. jsp?ID_LINK= 473&area= 46
Online application
http://www.sssup. it/domandeSifur/ index_perf_ phd.jsp
Selection schedule Assessment of the Titles: 25 June '09, 9.00 a.m.
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