- Wireless Sensor Networks for Urban Environments
- Multi-radio, Multi-interface Wireless Mesh Networks
- Network Security and Traffic Analysis
- Software-defined Radios and Wireless Network Experiments
- Extended LANs and Quality of Service
If you join the Drakkar group, you will:
- join a 3 year PhD programme.
- study in a dynamic and highly innovative environment in the Grenoble Informatics Laboratory.
- benefit from strong collaboration with our industrial and academic partners in Europe.
- work in an international environment (the French language is a plus but not a requirement)
- obtain a fellowship starting from ? 19,899 gross per year (depending on the type of funding for each position)
For more information, please refer to:
http://drakkar. imag.fr/spip. php?rubrique55
This site also provides instructions on how to apply for each position. Basically, the candidates must send a cover letter, a detailed CV, one page research statement, and the names of several
Informal enquiries can also be addressed to Prof. Andrzej Duda, Head of Drakkar (email: Andrzej.Duda@ imag.fr).
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 1st July 2009.
Best regards,
Fabrice Theoleyre
http://membres- liglab.imag. fr/theoleyre/
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