Degree - please notice that the one-year-version leads to a degree comparable to a Swedish "magisterexamen". The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education has decided (spring 2007) that the English translation for the Swedish degree of "magister" should be "Degree of Master (One Year)". The two-years-version leads to a "Degree of Master (Two Years)".
Autumn 2010:
Programme Start: August 30, 2010
Programme End: June, 2012 (if you choose the 1-year-programme it end is June, 2011)
Rate of Studies: Full time
Type of Programme: Master's level
Language of Instruction: EnglishCampus: Distance education - the programme is offered via the Internet
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The education fulfils the goals set by the Swedish Higher Education Act.
The Master of Informatics programme exists in two versions, one that is 60 ECTS credit points (1 year) and one that is 120 ECTS credit points (2 years), if they are studied at full speed. If the student want to receive an international Masters degree the student has to choose the two-year-version. Students who apply to and complete the one-year-Informatics program are eligible to apply for the second year of the Master of Informatics programme, if they wish to continue studying after finishing the one-year-programme.
1 Year
This is a one year Master of Informatics programme which is offered entirely as distance education. The education language for this programme is English. The Master of Informatics is a multidisciplinary programme. It combines perspectives focusing on the social construction of technology in design and use with perspectives focusing on software engineering and ICT product design processes, and brings these perspectives together in exploring issues of relevance for theory and practice concerning ICT design. Through individual field studies of design practice and ICT in use, these different perspectives are combined, explored and forged into a broader and deeper understanding of ICT as part of everyday life and society.
2 Years
This is a two-year Master of Informatics programme which is offered entirely as distance education. The education language for this programme is English.
The Master of Informatics is a multidisciplinary programme. It combines perspectives focusing on the social construction of technology in design and use with perspectives focusing on software engineering and ICT product design processes, and brings these perspectives together in exploring issues of relevance for theory and practice concerning ICT design. Through individual field studies of design practice and ICT in use, these different perspectives are combined, explored and forged into a broader and deeper understanding of ICT as part of everyday life and society.
The aim of the programme is dual: to prepare students for an international research career as well as for future work in the area of design and development of ICT.
The Master of Informatics programme has its roots in the Scandinavian tradition of participatory design of technology, and has been developed within a pedagogical framework of work-integrated learning. An important feature of the programme is therefore a series of project-oriented courses where the students are expected to do fieldwork and various forms of prototyping in connection with one or more work places, where theories and methods can be tested and contested. The aim is to provide opportunities for experiences which are relevant for future research, work and development of ICT in a multi-disciplinary context. Teaching is carried out in the form of video-recorded and/or mp3 transmitted lectures, and seminars, discussions and supervision offered via the Internet. The students are expected to be able to work both individually and in groups, depending on the type of assignments within each course. Group assign¬ments are normally carried out by cooperating at a distance through the digital learning platform and other available supportive technologies. Individual and group experiences of computer support for cooperative work, gained in this way during different courses, are reflected on within the framework of the education, and may thus offer inspiration for further research as well as future development projects.
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