Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Japanese Studies, Harvard University, US

The Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University will offer several postdoctoral fellowships in Japanese studies to recent PhDs of exceptional promise, to give them the opportunity to
turn their dissertation into publishable manuscripts.

The Fellowship Grant:

Each fellowship will cover a 10-month period, beginning September 1, 2011, with a stipend of $44,000 health insurance coveragefor the grantee and research/travel funds.Postdoctoral fellows will be provided office space, and access to the libraries and resources of Harvard University.Responsi bilities of Postdoctoral Fellows:

Residence in the Cambridge/Boston area and participation in Institute activities are required during the appointment. Postdoctoral fellows will be expected to give a presentation at the Reischauer Institute’s
Japan Forum lecture series. During their term of appointment, postdoctoral fellows will be expected to contribute to the teaching program at Harvard, normally by offering one undergraduate course during the fall or spring semester of the academic year. Areas of particular interest for 2011-12 tentatively include Japanese film; Japanese popular culture; Meiji history; Japanese imperialism/ war memory; gender and politics in East Asia; political economy of Japan; and Japanese-Americans in history, culture, politics, and/or society.
Broader courses that include, but are not limited to, Japan are  especially encouraged.


Applicants must have received their PhD degree in 2006 or later, in Japanese studies in any area of the humanities or social sciences.Those who are chosen to receive fellowships must have completed all
requirements for the PhD degree by July 1, 2011.

Application Process

Applicants should submit one original & five copies of a complete, collated application consisting of the following:

Cover sheet: on a separate sheet, please provide the following information, retyping each question in this order.

Name University & dept. (of Ph.D.) Field of Study Thesis title Date Ph.D. received (or, if pending, give specific timeline) Name of 2 recommenders Short summary (c. 40 words) of research plan Brief statement on teaching interests Do you have a continuing teaching position? If yes, where? N.B. If
teaching, have you obtained approval from your dept. to accept a postdoctoral position (if received) for 2010-11? Have you previously applied for a Harvard postdoctoral fellowship? If yes, when? Are you currently applying for other postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard? If so, which?

for further info here
Enhancing the Postdoctoral Experience: A Guide for Postdoctoral Scholars, Advisors, Institutions, Funding Organizations, and Disciplinary Societies
Grants for Grad & Post-Doc Study 5th ed (Grants for Graduate and Post-Doctoral Study)
The English Horace: Anthony Alsop and the Tradition of British Latin Verse (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Monographs)


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